Adriano is a statistician who likes challenges and is used to working with people from diverse fields. He is always seeking the simplest possible solution to a data analysis problem. He has expertise in reliability theory, predictive model, (Bayesian and not Bayesian) statistical modelling, decision theory, and foundations of statistics. He has worked with many kinds of data like categorical data, time-series, dependent observations, functional data, dimension reduction, variable selection, and a few more. Adriano has as the motto "What can I do to help you to do your best?"
Page:Informative Bayesian Survival Analysis to Handle Heavy Censoring in Lifetime Data (...) —
Conference Publishing
Ryan Leadbetter
Authors: Ryan Leadbetter; Aloke Phatak; Adriano Polpo; Melinda Hodkiewicz
Page:Managing streamed sensor data for mobile equipment prognostics. (...) —
Journal Article
Dr Debora Correa
Authors: Griffiths, T., Corrêa, D., Hodkiewicz, M., & Polpo, A. (2022). Managing streamed sensor data for mobile equipment prognostics. Data-Centric Engineering, 3, E11. doi:10.1017/dce.2022.4
Page:Data-Driven Approach for Labelling Process Plant Event Data (...) —
Journal Article
Dr Debora Correa
Authors: Débora Corrêa, Adriano Polpo, Michael Small, Shreyas Srikanth, Kylie Hollins, Melinda Hodkiewicz
Page:Interpretable Survival Models for Predictive Maintenance (...) —
Conference Publishing
A/Prof Adriano Polpo
Authors: Paul Castle, Janet Ham, Melinda Hodkiewicz, Adriano Polpo
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