Dr Keyao Li Curtin University

Dr Keyao Li

Research Fellow

Theme 4


Dear Keyao (Eden),

Thank you for submitting an entry for the ABDC Award for Innovation and Excellence in Research.

I am pleased to advise — confidentially at this stage — that your entry has been judged by the award panel to best meet the award's criteria of innovation and excellence in the emerging, applied category.

We are planning to announce the award winners at an online ceremony on 7 December at 8.30am Perth time. We would be delighted if you can join the awards announcement. Shortly I will send you an invitation with the event details.

As part of the announcement we would like to post information about your project through ABDC's social media and website. In preparation for this we would be grateful for any material you can share, e.g., photos, videos, and links to previous stories about your work on integrating human systems into data science. I have copied my colleague Leslie Falkiner-Rose on this email for this purpose. Ideally if we can receive any materials this week that will be very helpful.

Congratulations to you and your team, and we hope that you can attend the announcement next week.

Kind regards,

Award Details