A/Prof Wei Liu, Dr Sirui Li and Prof Melinda Hodkiewicz will be facilitating a workshop at the World Mining Congress in Brisbane on the 26 June 2023.

To register for this workshop please use this link - Click here to register for this workshop

Why should you attend this workshop?

How long do you spend looking for information in unstructured text fields in the various company databases you need to access to perform your role? Finding the right records is only half the issue, you then then need to code and extract it for downstream processing. What if you could reliably have a computer do this, at scale, and with consistent results?

This workshop provides an overview of state of the art in technical language processing. It describes the motivation and explains key concepts relating to natural language processing of technical texts, knowledge graphs and ontologies. While the examples used will relate to asset maintenance data, the concepts are applicable to safety records, geology and other technical texts.

At the end of this workshop participants will be able to:

1. Understand why technical professionals are interested in NLP and KG tools
2. Identify key stages in NLP pipelines
3. Appreciate the risks of using out-of-the-box NLP packages for technical texts
4. Understand the steps in KG creation when unstructured texts are involved
5. Access useful tools to support ongoing learning in this area.

When - Monday 26 June 2023

Where - Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre as part of the World Mining Congress

All you need to bring is your laptop.

Spaces are limited so you will need to register ASAP - Click here to register for this workshop

For any queries regarding workshops or sponsored sessions, please contact the WMC 2023 Congress Secretariat:

Email: [email protected]

Website: www.wmc2023.org 

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