News in 2022
Wednesday 5 October 2022This month's newsletter focuses on Research Theme 3 - Support the decision maker. IN THE SPOTLIGHT # Congratulations to Sandy Spiers on winning first prize for his 3 minute presentation delivered at inaugural Information Resilience PhD School held at the Global Change Institute at the UQ St Lucia Campus. September was a big...
Tuesday 30 August 2022This month's newsletter focuses on Translation Theme 4 - Support the Organisation. IN THE SPOTLIGHT # Congratulations to Tim French on his promotion to Associate Professor, School of Physics, Maths and Computing, Computer Science and Software Engineering at UWA! Team News # New members joining the Centre in August include: Manuel Cifuentes, the BHP representative...
Wednesday 10 August 2022This month's newsletter focuses on the activities of Translation Theme 5. IN THE SPOTLIGHT # Congratulations to Eden Li and Mark Griffin for winning two awards for their conference paper at the World Building Congress 2022, organised by CIB, the International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction ! Their...
Wednesday 29 June 2022This month's newsletter focuses on Research Theme 1 - Support the maintainer. IN THE SPOTLIGHT # Congratulations to Tyler Bikaun whose paper "QuickGraph: A Rapid Annotation Tool for Knowledge Graph Extraction from Technical Text" was accepted into the Proceedings of the 60th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, a top-ranking...
Tuesday 31 May 2022This month's newsletter focuses on Research Theme 2 - Support the Engineer. IN THE SPOTLIGHT # Congratulations to Braden Thorne on his paper "Reservoir time series analysis: Using the response of complex dynamical systems as a universal indicator of change", which was selected as an Editor's Pick in the journal Chaos: An...
Friday 1 April 2022This month's newsletter focuses on Research Theme 3 - Support the decision maker. IN THE SPOTLIGHT # Congratulations to Ryan Loxton on the recently-launched Curtin Centre for Optimisation and Decision Science. This new centre focuses on developing efficient mathematical techniques for the optimisation and control of complex systems. It closely aligned with...
Wednesday 2 March 2022February's newsletter focuses on Translation Theme 4 - Support the Organisation. IN THE SPOTLIGHT # Congratulations to Ponpot Jartnillaphand, who graduated with Honours in Mathematical Sciences on Friday, 15 February. Theme 3 researchers Sandy Spiers, Ryan Loxton , Hoa Bui, and Mojtaba Heydar joined Ponpot before the ceremony to congratulate him. Team News...
Monday 7 February 2022In 2022 the Centre's newsletter will be sent out monthly. Along with any exciting events or news, we'll be focusing on research that is being conducted by one of the Centre's Themes. We'll begin this month with Translation Theme 5. IN THE SPOTLIGHT # Congratulations to Melinda Hodkiewicz! # Congratulations to Theme 1...
Tuesday 11 January 2022Welcome to an update on CTMTDS activities Aug - Dec 2021. Team Updates # Changes to the members of the Centre in the second six months of 2021: One new PhD student, Chau Nguyen, joined the Centre in October. Chau will complete his PhD at UWA within Theme 1 supervised by Tim French...