News in 2023
Friday 1 December 2023This month's newsletter focuses on the activities in December IN THE SPOTLIGHT # Congratulations to Research Fellow Eden Li on winning the Innovation and Excellence in Research award in the Australian Business Deans Council ( ) for her Data Workflow Method. The panel was impressed with the strong engagement and collaboration...
Tuesday 21 November 2023This month's newsletter focuses on the activities in November and includes award won by our Research Fellows Eden Li and Sirui Li IN THE SPOTLIGHT # Congratulations to Research Fellow Eden Li on being named a finalist in the 2023 Research and Engagement Awards. These awards recognise the achievements of Curtin researchers across...
Wednesday 25 October 2023This month's newsletter focuses on the activities in October and includes an update on CTMTDS Director, Andrew Rohl, has been up to while on academic study leave in the UK. IN THE SPOTLIGHT # Congratulations to Research Fellow Sirui Li, who donned academic robes and received her PhD at Murdoch University's graduation...
Thursday 7 September 2023This month's newsletter focuses on the activities in September including a teaching award and two publications. IN THE SPOTLIGHT # Congratulations to A/Prof Adriano Polpo on receiving the Science and Engineering School Excellence in Teaching Award. It has been a difficult time to teach over the last couple of years with online...
Wednesday 16 August 2023This month's newsletter focuses on the Research Theme 2 travels to Tokyo and the activities of the Centre at the Data & AI for Business Conference and Exhibition. IN THE SPOTLIGHT # Congratulations to Hoa Bui on her success in receiving the GSOP 2023 Grant Development Funding, which includes funding to attend...
Monday 31 July 2023July was a quiet month for events as researchers travel to present their research and we introduce new industry partners to our Centre. TEAM NEWS # We welcome Peter Rose, Peter is the Alcoa Partner Representative for Centre joining our Strategic Risk and Reporting Board (SRRB). Johan Breytenbach has joined the SRRB representing Roy...
Friday 30 June 2023This newsletter focuses on the activities of the Centre during May and June; a busy time for preparing and participating in the 26th World Mining Congress in Brisbane TEAM NEWS # BHP MECoE and CTMDS researchers from Perth that travelled to the World Mining Congress took the opportunity to catch up in...
Thursday 11 May 2023Welcome to the first newsletter for 2023! We ended 2022 with two events that showcased research across our themes to industry partners. The new year began with the arrival of two new post-doctoral researchers to the Centre. In May, they teamed up with a couple of PhD students to form a...