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The ARC Training Centre for
Transforming Maintenance through Data Science
Aloke Phatak

Dr Aloke Phatak

Training Centre Associate Director

Aloke is an engineer-turned-applied statistician. He started his professional career in rocket science but then discovered statistics. He spent more than 20 years at CSIRO, where he carried out research in applied statistics; worked with a wide range of industries and in diverse areas such as industrial statistics, biomarker discovery, and climate extremes; and developed short courses for practicing engineers and scientists. At Curtin, he led the development of the undergraduate Data Science major and is currently Associate Director of the Centre.

Aloke is an advocate of the sensible use of statistics for answering real-world problems, so he happy to help with anything!


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  • Saturday 13 April 2024
    Welcome to the first newsletter for 2024 where we'll cover all of the exciting activities so far in 2024! IN THE SPOTLIGHT # Congratulations to Ziyu Zhao, whose thesis was 'passed subject to minor revision'. Well done Ziyu! Congratulations also to Braden Thorne and Sandy Spiers who both submitted their theses in May...
  • Monday 31 July 2023
    July was a quiet month for events as researchers travel to present their research and we introduce new industry partners to our Centre. TEAM NEWS # We welcome Peter Rose, Peter is the Alcoa Partner Representative for Centre joining our Strategic Risk and Reporting Board (SRRB). Johan Breytenbach has joined the SRRB representing Roy...
  • Thursday 11 May 2023
    Welcome to the first newsletter for 2023! We ended 2022 with two events that showcased research across our themes to industry partners. The new year began with the arrival of two new post-doctoral researchers to the Centre. In May, they teamed up with a couple of PhD students to form a...
  • Tuesday 30 August 2022
    This month's newsletter focuses on Translation Theme 4 - Support the Organisation. IN THE SPOTLIGHT # Congratulations to Tim French on his promotion to Associate Professor, School of Physics, Maths and Computing, Computer Science and Software Engineering at UWA! Team News # New members joining the Centre in August include: Manuel Cifuentes, the BHP representative...
  • Tuesday 12 May 2020
    Welcome to an update on CTMTDS activities. Highlights # CTMTDS Launch # The Australian Research Council Training Centre for Transforming Maintenance through Data Science was officially launched at a ceremony held at Curtin University on Friday 21 February. The event, emceed by Prof Andrew Rohl, was attended by the Honourable Steve Irons MP,...