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The ARC Training Centre for
Transforming Maintenance through Data Science
Jens Klump

Dr Jens Klump

Theme Lead

Jens leads the Geoscience Analytics Team in CSIRO Mineral Resources. His field of research is the application of information technology to geology.

Jens’ current work focuses on data in minerals exploration, both from a data analysis and from a data logistics perspective. Over the past 18 years, Jens has been at the forefront of earth science informatics, his broad experience in geology and computer sciences allows him to bridge between the two disciplines and identify information technology solutions that could potentially be applied to geosciences questions.

Jens covers the entire chain of digital value creation from data acquisition to data analysis. Since joining CSIRO in 2014, Jens has established a data science team, investigating the application of conditional simulation, data mining, machine learning, and geostatistical techniques to minerals exploration.


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  • Monday 7 February 2022
    In 2022 the Centre's newsletter will be sent out monthly. Along with any exciting events or news, we'll be focusing on research that is being conducted by one of the Centre's Themes. We'll begin this month with Translation Theme 5. IN THE SPOTLIGHT # Congratulations to Melinda Hodkiewicz! # Congratulations to Theme 1...