Professor Michael Small is the CSIRO-UWA Chair of Complex Engineering Systems at The University of Western Australia. He is an applied mathematician working in the area of complex systems, dynamical systems and chaos, with a particular emphasis on the application of mathematical techniques to real-world problems.
Michael is best known for developing new paradigms for the analysis of time series data from deterministic dynamical systems – particularly in the domain of statistical hypothesis testing, data-driven model building, and using complex networks as a model of dynamical processes.
Michael has spent more than 10 years working in research within the electronic and information engineering sectors. His focus is on understanding how structure, pattern and dynamics emerge from complex systems – particularly in engineering.
Michael is the Theme Leader for Research Theme Two. He represents UWA and Theme Two on the Strategic Risk and Reporting Board, Operating Committee and PhD Support Panel. Michael is supervising PhD student Braden Thorne. He is also Co Supervising PhD students Gabriel Gonazalez, Ryan Leadbetter and Tim Pesch.