Michael is passionate about natural language processing, knowledge discovery, data visualisation, and web development.
Michael Stewart received his PhD from the University of Western Australia in 2020. His research focuses on information extraction from unstructured technical text, knowledge graph construction, entity typing and lexical normalisation.
Michaels work is published in several highly regarded venues, including Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, and the International Conference on Data Mining. He was awarded the Research & Innovation Project of the Year-Postgraduate Tertiary Student Award at the 28th WAITTA INCITE Awards. As part of a team led by Dr Wei Liu, he was the first prize winner of the ICDM 2019 Knowledge Graph Contest.
Michael is currently working on deep learning-based methods for constructing knowledge graphs from technical short text. He is also developing a number of software tools to support the adoption of technical language processing in industry. These include Red Coat - A Collaborative Annotation Tool for Hierarchical Entity Typing and Echidna - A Knowledge Graph for Maintenance. See UWA NLP-TLP Group to find a demo of these tools.
Michael is a Research Fellow in Research Theme One; he is Co Supervising PhD students Tyler Bikaun, Ziyu Zhao and Chau Nguyen.