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The ARC Training Centre for
Transforming Maintenance through Data Science
Sam Bradley

Sam Bradley

Senior Software Engineer

A software engineer and full stack developer and software architect working in the CSIRO Mineral Resources Business Unit since 2018. Sam has 13 years of experience delivering all types of software projects from production web applications to experimental scientific prototypes.

Has worked professionally with large number of programming languages and web frameworks and has a passion for developing frameworks and platforms. Experienced with cloud technologies and architectures and has been responsible for architecting, building and deploying multiple cloud web application projects.

Currently leading the technical development of the Exploration Toolkit, a platform for leveraging 30 years worth of CSIRO Mineral Resources data, analytics, knowledge and more to enhance internal capability, drive business development and offer external services assisting in exploration.

Personal Website

  • Monday 7 February 2022
    In 2022 the Centre's newsletter will be sent out monthly. Along with any exciting events or news, we'll be focusing on research that is being conducted by one of the Centre's Themes. We'll begin this month with Translation Theme 5. IN THE SPOTLIGHT # Congratulations to Melinda Hodkiewicz! # Congratulations to Theme 1...