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The ARC Training Centre for
Transforming Maintenance through Data Science
Tyler Bikaun

Tyler Bikaun

PhD Student

Tyler is a mechanical engineer turned PhD candidate at the University of Western Australia and a scholar with the Mineral Research Institute of Western Australia. His research focuses on the intersection of computer science and industrial engineering, particularly applying computational techniques to technical texts in the context of industrial maintenance. Tyler's research interests lie in using deep learning to extract knowledge from technical texts to improve maintenance decision support and strategy optimisation through automated natural language understanding. However, this area is challenging due to poor quality, complex, and scarcely available datasets characteristic of the mining and mineral resources industries.

To date, Tyler has spent a considerable amount of time engaging with industrial partners of the ARC CTMTDS and academia, where he has:

  • demonstrated the value of technical language processing through semi-automated reliability measure estimation,
  • developed numerous software tools for acquiring high-quality datasets to support deep learning research, and
  • collaborated on software to translate his academic research into usable software for the asset-intensive industries.

Tyler's research is supervised by Associate Professor Wei Liu, Dr Tim French, Dr Michael Stewart, and Professor Melinda Hodkiewicz. **PHD Research -**Technical Language Processing for Industrial Maintenance Records

Tyler's research focuses on deep learning-based knowledge extraction from technical texts authored by humans containing considerable n0ii$3 (noise). Noisy technical texts are ubiquitous in industrial maintenance, capturing critical information that drives decision-making, process optimisation and asset performance understanding. Consequently, the noise in these texts poses a formidable challenge to the current state-of-the-art systems, limiting the ability to extract knowledge to support data-driven decision-making.

Highlights of Tyler's research so far have seen him:

  • Design two peer-reviewed software systems that enable rapid cleaning and knowledge extraction from technical texts,
  • Develop a process for semi-automated reliability measure estimation from maintenance work order records, and

Conceive a procedure for extracting meaning from technical texts to support maintenance strategy optimisation and asset performance understanding.


MRIWA scholarship recipient

  • Friday 7 February 2025
    Welcome to 2025! CTMTDS is pleased to share news and highlights from the past few months IN THE SPOTLIGHT # Congratulations to Dr. Braden Thorne who has graduated! Braden passed his thesis with minor revisions by examiners. Sandy Spiers who has had his thesis passed with minor revisions by examiners, and has received a...
  • Friday 1 December 2023
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  • Tuesday 21 November 2023
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  • Thursday 11 May 2023
    Welcome to the first newsletter for 2023! We ended 2022 with two events that showcased research across our themes to industry partners. The new year began with the arrival of two new post-doctoral researchers to the Centre. In May, they teamed up with a couple of PhD students to form a...
  • Tuesday 30 August 2022
    This month's newsletter focuses on Translation Theme 4 - Support the Organisation. IN THE SPOTLIGHT # Congratulations to Tim French on his promotion to Associate Professor, School of Physics, Maths and Computing, Computer Science and Software Engineering at UWA! Team News # New members joining the Centre in August include: Manuel Cifuentes, the BHP representative...
  • Wednesday 29 June 2022
    This month's newsletter focuses on Research Theme 1 - Support the maintainer. IN THE SPOTLIGHT # Congratulations to Tyler Bikaun whose paper "QuickGraph: A Rapid Annotation Tool for Knowledge Graph Extraction from Technical Text" was accepted into the Proceedings of the 60th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, a top-ranking...
  • Monday 7 February 2022
    In 2022 the Centre's newsletter will be sent out monthly. Along with any exciting events or news, we'll be focusing on research that is being conducted by one of the Centre's Themes. We'll begin this month with Translation Theme 5. IN THE SPOTLIGHT # Congratulations to Melinda Hodkiewicz! # Congratulations to Theme 1...
  • Tuesday 11 January 2022
    Welcome to an update on CTMTDS activities Aug - Dec 2021. Team Updates # Changes to the members of the Centre in the second six months of 2021: One new PhD student, Chau Nguyen, joined the Centre in October. Chau will complete his PhD at UWA within Theme 1 supervised by Tim French...
  • Wednesday 18 August 2021
    Welcome to an update on CTMTDS activities Jan - Jun 2021. Team Updates # Changes to the members of the Centre in the first six months of 2021 include welcoming: Two new PhD students: Sandy Spiers joined the Centre in February. Sandy will complete his PhD at Curtin University within Theme 3, supervised by...
  • Wednesday 6 January 2021
    Welcome to an update on CTMTDS activities. Highlights # Research Fellow for Theme 1 Michael Stewart PhD was accepted, congratulations to Dr Michael Stewart. Chief investigator for Theme 1 Dr Wei Lui is now Associate Professor Wei Lui – congratulations Wei.· PhD Candidates Yingying Yang, Tyler Bikaun, and Ryan Leadbetter completed their first candidacy...