Assoc Prof Wei Liu is a full time teaching & research academic in the Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering at the University of Western Australia.
Her research focuses on knowledge discovery from natural language text, deep learning methods for knowledge graph construction and analysis, as well as sequential data mining and forecasting in traffic and water consumption domain.
She has published in highly reputable venues such as ACM Computer Surveys, Journal of Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge and Information Systems, International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE), ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM).
She has won three Australian Research Council Grants and managed several industry grants. Her current industry-related research projects include knowledge graph refinement for geological survey reports, incident log analysis and visualisation, short-term traffic predication and cognitive computing for asset management.
A/Prof Liu is a Chief Investigator for Theme 1 – Support the Maintainer. Wei supervisors PhD student Ziyu Zhao and Co Supervisors Tyler Bikaun and Chau Nguyen.