Online conference hosted from Technological University Dublin
Monday 13 September 2021
Click here to view the presentation.
Eden spoke at the ARCOM Conference 2021: Recover, Rebuild and Renew, which took place on 6th-7th September 2021. It was an online event hosted by association of researchers in construction management in partnership with Technological University Dublin. During the conference, Eden spoke about worker well-being issues in the construction industry. She introduced an integrated conceptual framework with a taxonomy of well-being indicators and their respective antecedents. This framework was the first to provide a holistic view of factors that influence construction workers' well-being outcomes and their underlying mechanisms. The framework offers new insights on the main concerns of construction workers' well-being and evidence-based strategies for decision-makers to support worker health, which has long-term benefits including improving project performance and reducing safety risks in the construction industry.